Klondike Bluff - Fast Facts

Trail number

Not applicable

Trail length

14 kilometres return from trailhead (more from highway)

Elevation variance

200 metres

Trail type

Single trail, fire trail, gravel road

Trail surface

Smooth dirt, fine gravel, coarse gravel, rocks and rock outcrops

Weather affected

All weather

Trail condition sources


Trail features

Lots of slickrock, ride amongst dinosaur footprints, hike into Arches National Park at end.

Trail obstacles

Constant climb, some sandy sections on lower roads

Trail Rating

Trail rating

Easy, Intermediate

Rating basis


Night riding

Could do - would have to watch out for crevices in slickrock - they can come up quickly.

Family Friendly

Younger MTBers with good skills and a bit of energy could give it a go. The young would lover the dinosaur footprints.

Trail Map and GPX File

Click Image For Trail Map


No GPX download

Trail Description

The Klondike Bluffs Trail represents a solid ride. We stuffed up by starting at the highway car park as the Falcon guide indicated it started there and we got a bit lost also but we finally located the trail head at the big car park and we started climbing. I'd start at the main trailhead rather than the highway as it's just a gravel road up to the trailhead.

The route follows a 4WD trail across the slickrock which is imprinted with fossilized dinosaur tracks.

Cowboy country... Everywhere there's a view...

Slickrock heading up to Klondike Bluff

Dinosaur foot prints - nifty!

Views from bluff area

Trail Videos

Video of Klondike Bluffs area from Ron Deibert's channel.

Parking and Facilities
Parking is available at highway and the main trailhead (look for large car park on way in)
No toilet facilities are available.
No drinking water is available.
No food or drinks are available in the immediate area.
No local information facilities are available.